November 2, 2020 | by Eriс
On Immigration
We have decided to start posting links to interesting articles we occasionally find, when they fall within our own line of thinking. They may be of interest to our visitors.
The one below, titled ‘Democrats Are Turning Immigration Into a Moral Ultimatum’ is by Zach Goldberg. It offers deeps insights into the Democratic way of thinking, by permitting illegal immigration into this country; immigration driven by our neighbors south of the border.
An author makes an excellent case of where Democrats are going with this, but misses one important point. Those ‘moral’ convictions Dems are being driven by are false and deceitful. They simply want to import the future voters, to eventually tip the power balance in their own favor. Poor and uneducated aliens are always in debt and waiting for the handouts the criminal Democratic Party would be all too eager to organize. One votes for the people who put bread on your table, no? We think the dependency is very obvious. But you draw your own conclusions.
Read it here:
November 1, 2020 | by Eriс
Surprise! Millenials Choose Marxism and Socialism
The report by The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation outlines a totally inconceivable reality scenario for our country.
A large percentage of our youth look favorably at Marxism and Socialism. Full third of all millenials (born between 1981-96) and Gen Z, (born after 1996) support eliminating capitalism in favor of socialism.
Find it here:
The report carries much more detailed numbers reflecting political views and demographics of the young Americans.
(more…)October 26, 2020 | by Eriс
Woke Slang, Lingo of the Racist Revolution
This subject is simple and difficult to us at the same time. It is found everywhere these days – on the social networks, in mass media, dictionaries, on TV channels and within academic publications. But when one is not part of these emerging ‘woke masses’, it’s hard to see why it got a foothold in the society, which it’s not about to give up. We are not the experts or devotees of the new emerging reality supported by the new lingo. On the contrary, we are dead set against it and everything its stands for. There is so much more to it than new words and phrases.
Before moving further, we wish to post this disclaimer: we are consciously trying to offend individuals who define themselves as woke and trying to become ‘enlightened’. They are the conduits of the racist and political revolt in this country.
You are witnessing the early stages of the cancerous spread being unleashed upon the American society. We, much like the rest of America, missed the beginning of it. But now have a theory on how it all developed, though you can draw your own conclusions. At the start it was political correctness. Then social justice quests brought about angry mobs who felt they must drown their opponents in loud arguments and have them removed from the public eye. Both came with their own terminology. Both galvanized the groups of people who strongly felt they were wronged. The social networks provided the nutrients and protection; a Petri dish comes to mind. Factions grew in sizes and influences. The people who bought into that were not stupid; they were using all of it to their advantage, oftentimes political.
But it was happening to someone else, elsewhere. So who cares?
(more…)October 18, 2020 | by Eriс
Being white is a verdict
Being white is a serious mental disease that needs to be cured. At least this is what the University of Minnesota tells anyone who wants to listen. But worry not, the help is on the way.
An interesting article found here for those who want to know what is taking place in our land.
Did you know you have a problem? We surely did not, but are gradually becoming aware there is something wrong with us. The life we live is tragically incomplete, rife with racism and wrong values long-hidden from the societal oversight. But once you acknowledge you have a problem, there is a 12-step process that can cure you; make you a better person and citizen. Much like with AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) therapy groups. Accept the facts, confess the ills, reflect on the newly-found knowledge, become a fighter for justice. Rid yourself of everything that made you a person of white heritage and embrace the new political faith. All of this is promoted by the progressives; a new dawn on America.
(more…)October 9, 2020 | by Eriс
A Happy White Woman. Google’s Version
Living these days is fraught with uncertainties. We lost some of the solid ground under our feet. Many are looking for answers in the new environment that is in no way complete and defined. The new landscape is forming in front of our eyes. The mankind is supposed to watch, listen and absorb what is in and what is out. To again become the ‘in’ crowd. Those who miss what is happening do so at their own peril.
The author has been around for some time. Yet, in no period of time he is familiar with, has the racial theme been placed so squarely in the forefront of American societal agenda. Discussions in the mass media and online; within academia and the political circuits. Everyone has something to say. Mostly complementary about defining directions and breaking the barriers for and by black Americans. Some orators are very radical, outspoken and shamelessly provocative. And only sparse, cautious laymen voices are heard about the shape this ‘struggle’ is taking. Speaking in opposition to the ‘revolution’ and the ‘1691 agenda’ is racism. They, the progressive side, will attack you online, and if given opportunity, physically.
(more…)October 1, 2020 | by Eriс
The Ohio State University Incident
It happened. Sometime in September 2020, two male individuals of African American origin have assaulted three white students on campus of Ohio State University. It has also been reported that “One suspect allegedly yelled a racial slur at a student and punched him the face”. The suspects were subsequently arrested and charged with “felonious assault and assault” (mind you, not the hate crime they committed). The perpetrators were most likely the students of the same school, but the articles we read don’t go into much details. You can find the particulars here: and also here
There you have it – a couple of bad dudes enjoyed themselves while beating up others. It would have gone unnoticed by the press and the public if it wasn’t for the black students yelling racial slurs while perpetrating their crime. That by itself puts this matter in a category of ‘hate crimes’. By law, the school officials must report the issue.
(more…)September 25, 2020 | by Eriс
The BLM Future for America. Part II
We continue to look into the future. The future of our country that Black Lives Matter has in store for all of us. It started with Part I of ‘The BLM Future for America’. If you skipped over it, go back and take a look.
If you think for a minute we derive pleasure from shoveling BLM’s manure, you are wrong. There are million other things we’d rather be doing. But we simply cannot sit idle in the face of an encroaching enemy. Black people of our country are not the enemy. That enemy is Marxism, its fervent followers, political supporters and accomplices. They must be documented; their intentions be spelled out for all to see and hear; brought to light; examined, ridiculed and condemned in the strongest of terms. BLM plague already took a foothold in our society and continues to affect thousands of minds. Lies’ purveyors are the real demons masquerading as saviors of the ‘oppressed’ black people.
(more…)September 23, 2020 | by Eriс
The BLM Future for America. Part I
Are you sure you know what our future is going to look like? No, think again.
We took a bit of time to research the subject. Can say we familiarized ourselves with what may one day be our common future. Well, a version of it. All we have to do is to let the people from Black Lives Matter and their left-headed partners decide for us. It’s very simple. Embrace their ideas, the quest for peace and justice – and voila! Hello, brave new world! The New Era dawns in America! The freer country, devoid of Republicans, racism, oppression, exploitation, violent crime, police, prisons, drugs on our streets, prostitution, illegal aliens (yea, know we shouldn’t use the outlawed ‘illegal aliens’ phrase in New York, but we do anyway. Illegal aliens, illegal aliens. We like how it sounds).
We safely bet few people have ever seen the entire laundry list of their demands. By gosh, it’s long! Read on. The New York Times ain’t gonna tell you nothing.
(more…)September 22, 2020 | by Eriс
BLM. Accomplishments-2020. Just the Facts (+ some mockery)
For their several years of being in existence and several months of this year; angrily stoking so called ‘peaceful marches’, BLM had put forward a serious bevy of political demands. They were supported by country-wide revolt, riots and general destruction.
As of this writing (September 2020), this despicable gang had many ‘accomplishments’. Please be the judges of how admirably they are succeeding so far in changing America’s political and economic landscape.
Just the facts found on the internet, with a bit of our mocking commentary*
(more…)September 22, 2020 | by Eriс
How To Make Your Home Safer
The following comes from a friend of ours, Mr. Phil
He is concerned with what may await us in the months to come and offers his suggestions on how to make you home safer and more secure. The text speaks of stopping burglars, but improvements outlined below work against any intrusion. These simple suggestions can make a lot of difference.
We hope you find it useful.
Windows on the ground floor require attention. Give some thought to blocking them with a table or other form of barrier that will make an invader climb over, make noise and use up time getting into the premises. Try not to leave ground floor windows with a wide open space in front of them. Never assume a window is too small for an intruder to enter. Home intruders have come up with clever ways to enter the smallest windows. Be concerned about in-wall air conditioners that can be pushed in and then become easy entrances for burglars. You can secure the in-wall A/C unit by driving a large eye ring wood screw into the studs on each side of the A/C unit. Then run a 5/8th or 11/16th rope through the eye ring screws across the A/C unit and secure the rope tightly to the A/C with large cable clamps. Be sure all windows are locked correctly. Keep windows locked at all times and lock them immediately after you have closed one. Never block the view from your windows, allowing you to see an intruder on your property. Never leave anything outside your home that can be used to help an intruder gain access to your home, such as a step stool or ladder. Home invaders will not be carrying their own ladders but will use anything they find to their advantage. Very seriously consider a home central station alarm system. If you have a system, place NEW fresh looking stickers on all entrances. Old stickers will appear to a home invader to be from the previous home owner! Alarm stickers and signs are a good deterrent! Check your windows, especially if you have windows made of vinyl or plastic and that have plastic locks. If so, you need a secondary security measure such as a metal bar or a cut wooden closet pole wedged in. If you have basement casement windows, check if they are standard or reinforced hinges. Look to have protective laminate applied to the inside glass or baked into the glass. This will keep the glass from smashing with a single blow. The laminated windows will take repeated blows and are very difficult to shatter.