May 12, 2021 | by Eriс

The Other Side of Covid. Part II

Read Part I here.

The political implications are vast. Governments everywhere, by definition, are “suppression machines”. Some are more benign that others. But the nature of every government is to rule by intimidation, force, by limiting our freedoms and setting new rules given the opportunity. Covid opened those gates of opportunity wide. “Observe the curfew” took place in NYC early in pandemic. “Wear a mask”, “wear two at a time” or “wear three”. “Wear a mask at home”. “Wear a mask even if you’ve been vaccinated”. Sounds familiar? “Stay home. It’s for your own good”. “Don’t congregate even in private”. Obtain a “24-hour permit” to visit a doctor or go to buy food. Major fines if you don’t comply. We heard some of this is going on in Europe. Fortunately, most of the USA was spared this craziness for now, but who’s to say it cannot happen here?

Given a chance to implement and enforce new laws, governments are very reluctant to let go of the new powers. This is their nature. Repealing new rules and regulations down the road can be very hard. They stay on the books and can be used against us anytime. Some states and their governors begin to realize what is going on. They are asserting state powers in the attempt to resist uncontrolled central authority coming into their jurisdictions, by enacting state laws to protect its citizens against Washington virus dictate. It is too early in the game; many “red states” are yet to realize ”what a friend we have in Biden” and his administration. But it is going in that direction, slowly but surely.


May 5, 2021 | by Eriс

The Other Side of Covid. Part I

In the “Modern Doctor Faust, a.k.a. Doctor Fauci, et al.” essay we addressed medical and touched upon some political issues surrounding the Covid virus.

There are many other facets of pandemics that affect our lives, no matter where we live. Beside medical, these are economical, political, bioresearch and industrial implications. But also psychological, ethical and interpersonal dimensions we all have to live with. Some are local and others are global. Each one is a major subject and we cannot possibly cover them all in-depth. We’ll try to give you a vivid overview instead.

Life had slowed down considerably and became more expensive. That goes for products we buy, services we use and the food we purchase or consume in restaurants. There has to be an explanation for all of it somewhere. Our guess is that there had been major disruptions in various supply chains. Companies, large and small, have been impacted by inability of suppliers to deliver on time.


April 26, 2021 | by Eriс

Modern Doctor Faust, a.k.a. Doctor Fauci, et al

We have been living under medical and political duress for over a year now. There are many opinions and commentators out there talking about the virus and its impacts, so we generally refrained from writing about it. But this latest PR escapade is the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back.

Pfizer CEO, one Mr. Albert Bourla, have spoken at last about how they see our future: “A likely scenario is that there will likely be a need for a third dose somewhere between six and 12 months [after the initial vaccination] and from there, there will be an annual revaccination.”


April 20, 2021 | by Eriс

Path to Secondary Regress. Part II

Continued. Read Part I here.

  • Foreign politics. Destructive, confrontational, war-mongering policies towards other countries are the rave of the day. While America managed successfully under the previous administration to reduce its presence in world conflicts, it looks like we are entering the period of more aggressive foreign policy. Any peace benefits we attained will soon be gone. Haven’t we learned anything?

  • Increased taxation and financially irresponsible behavior. We, as a country, have been down that road before and it has proved itself to be the wrong path. Yet we are taking that road fork again. The repercussions will be felt for many years, worldwide. Economies shall suffer. Spend, spend and spend trillions we don’t have. Everyone will be paying for socialism that is coming to America. Tax the rich works only until they leave for greener pastures or taxed to the point where there are no longer the rich to tax.  Increasing taxes is not the solution; it’s the slow killing of capitalism. A terrible regress is here.


April 12, 2021 | by Eriс

Path to Secondary Regress. Part I

A definition of regress”: “return to a former or less developed state”. To regress is to return to a former state or condition, and not usually in a good way, it often means a “relapse” or “get worse.” A trend or shift toward a lower or less perfect state: such as progressive decline of a manifestation of disease, gradual loss of memories and acquired skills, reversion to an earlier mental or behavioral level.

First – a bit of history. Most of us know little about this period.

At the end of the 4th century A.D. invading Goth tribes defeated the Eastern Roman emperor Valens. The battle leads to the decline of the Roman army and its ability to stem the barbarian invasions. Soon thereafter the Olympic Games ended when the Temple of Zeus at Olympia was destroyed by fire in 426 A.D.

Tumultuous times have followed


March 30, 2021 | by Eriс

Decoding “White Supremacy Culture” Verbiage. Part IV

We are continuing with analysis of the “woke” dogma

Part I can be found here.

Part II can be found here.

Part III can be found here.

“Progress is Bigger, More” – focusing only on the bottom line and tangible growth. “Progress is an organization which expands or develops the ability to serve more people”, those with this mindset think.


March 25, 2021 | by Eriс

Decoding “White Supremacy Culture” Verbiage. Part III

We are continuing with analysis of the “woke” dogma.

Part I can be found here.

Part II can be found here.

“Only One Right Way” – There is one right way to do things and once people are introduced to the right way, they will see the light and adopt it


March 20, 2021 | by Eriс

Decoding “White Supremacy Culture” Verbiage. Part II

We are continuing with analysis of the “woke” dogma.

Part I can be found here.

“Defensiveness” – When people often in power, are dismissive of new ideas solely for fear they might shake things up. The defensiveness of people in power created an oppressive culture.


March 15, 2021 | by Eriс

Decoding “White Supremacy Culture” Verbiage. Part I

Occasionally one gets to do some seriously dirty work around the house. Don thick rubber gloves, perhaps a mask; hold back the vomit urges while seeking to unclog gravely blocked toilet or remove a dead stinking rat. It just about describes how we feel while attempting to decode, to dissect the lingo of Marxist hate aimed at the heart of American society. It gives us no pleasure, but we must try to show what it really means. Hard to understand, ambiguous empty verbiage put together with a single purpose in mind – to put down and destroy the lives of the good working men and women of America built upon their European heritage and values; because they made something of themselves, their families and subsequently – of this country.

Perhaps as others before us, we want to look into these “accusations” using their words and sharing our views. One needs not to be a social or political scientist; an earnest attempt to scrub this smelly pile will do just fine for now.

It would not be entertaining; perhaps even boring at times. But wouldn’t the inquiring minds want to know?


March 2, 2021 | by Eriс

The Nuclear Football Fumble

The following was written and kindly provided by a friend of ours, Mr. Phil


All of a sudden forces within the upper levels of the Democratic Party are calling for President Biden to no longer be the one and only person to authorize the use of America’s nuclear arsenal.  Why is this push for change in authorization to use nuclear weapons coming from his political party?  What the hell is going on?

Are you wondering about or have we so soon forgotten, being so distracted by the CCP virus, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s panicked phone call to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Military asking questions about President Trump’s authority to launch nuclear weapons.  Either she was totally ignorant of how it works, or she was executing the well-established Democratic Party “way of life” to constantly non-stop demonize President Trump.  To “Cancel” him to prevent him running for elected office ever again.  Why?
