August 1, 2020 | by Eriс
About Gastronomic Racism. And More…
Since BLM (as in Bad Looking Muggers) began their marches along our streets, they have scored many small victories. They want to change the world. That requires new revolutionary lingo, habits change and, of course, imbedding themselves in the American culture they so want to see gone. Anything goes here – renaming places and events, reshuffling the dictionary. Gangsta talk is in. Anything white people do or say should be declared racism and must be eradicated by hook or by crook. Mostly by crooks they represent. So what should the ‘vultures of the cancel culture’ turn their beady eyes to?
Anyone going to a fine restaurant to dine on white tablecloth, to eat off white china plates, and use white napkins are committing terrible racial crimes. Drinking white wine should be banned, and so should be Fettuccini Alfredo, béchamel sauce, mozzarella dishes and the white pizza – all terrible reminders of the white domination. “White Russian” cocktail should be expunged from all bars, but the Black Russian should be treasured and ordered whenever possible. By chance, do you know any black Russians who joined the BLM movement?
(more…)July 30, 2020 | by Eriс
The White Man’s World
We live in the world created by the proverbial ‘white man’. No, he didn’t do all of the work in putting it together. It was his mind that brought us here. Whether he used it or abused it in the process is another matter entirely
‘White man’ does not encompass every person of light skin. It’s more of a descriptive category. When I think of a ‘white man’, I think of the people that eventually got us where we are today. These were the nobility, politicians, warriors, sailors, thinkers, artists, merchants, adventurers, clergy and just plain folks whose roots are mostly Anglo-Saxon. OK, not exclusively, so let’s include other Europeans as well. They colonized the world. It’s all their fault. Other empires did their part, but their contributions were not as significant. This is how my uneducated, low IQ mind sees it. But let’s leave the heated arguments for another time.
(more…)July 30, 2020 | by Eriс
About the Search Engines & Freedom of Expression
Hello, Friends
This website in its own way is fighting against the Marxist revolution and leftist revolt in the United States of America. It’s no joke and is happening right now.
Most of media, social networks and search engines here are aligned with the left (yes, sad but true). When they get the whiff of what we are doing, the outcome is predictable.
The website may be banned from search engines results, soon. This means lots of people looking for this type of information would never find it on their own.
(more…)July 30, 2020 | by Eriс
The Theory and Practice. Tip 2
For those who don’t go out on the streets, the social networks are where the action is.
The country and the world quickly react to the postings, memes, photos and videos.
This is where Antifa, BLM & Co. show off their dubious victories, recruit new members, rouse the troops and ask for donations. This is where they unleash hatred upon anyone who disagrees with their vile Marxist theories, doesn’t profess allegiance to the socialist causes and speaks like a ‘racist’.
(more…)July 29, 2020 | by Eriс
The Theory and Practice. Tip 1
All American banks have this policy they exercise upon all of us: “Know your customer”. It is federally-mandated. It means they must be aware of who you are, what you do, what kind of business you are in, etc. In this day and age when a terrorist may be hiding under every stone, this is their way of making sure all possible suspects are weeded out. Chuckle.
How does this relate to the revolt that goes on in the USA at this time?
(more…)July 28, 2020 | by Eriс
Theory and Practice
The fire that rages on our streets begins to burn hotter and brighter.
Anarchists, Antifa, BLM & Co. are unfolding their scripts upon us in their quest for power.
Instead of impotently venting frustrations by posting laments on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, how about doing something useful, powerful and practical to curtail the spread of the disease? To eventually defeat the Marxists who want to take over our land.
They are organized and they are winning this round, we are not.
(more…)June 29, 2020 | by Eriс
The True Cost of Censorship
This subject has been raised a million times. Don’t think I can add much new substance. Still let me try.
To have censorship, there has to be a person or persons, actively interested in keeping a group of their fellow countrymen (or subjects) in the dark about something. They eliminate or manipulate facts, put a different spin on events, mix lies with truth. Censorship and propaganda go hand in hand. It is hard to say where one ends and the other begins. Censorship used to be a feature of totalitarian regimes or totalitarian way of thinking. Yet today, almost no society is free of the information censorship. In the modern world that must be free from restraints imposed upon human minds, we frequently find ourselves restricted.
(more…)June 28, 2020 | by Eriс
Living through the times of riots and revolt Year 2020. The United States of America
You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
This piece was written at the end of June, 2020. A lot have changed since then, including my own attitude towards the subject of interest. At the time I was trying to make sense of the world around me.
What is happening to us?
After many years of relative peace and quiet in America, we have entered the zone of instability, leading us to calamities not known to current generations. In a way, it is a perfect storm, where many elements suddenly came together to create a destructive force that begins to assail the bedrock of our democracy. Most none of us have any shelter from the stormy weather, except facing the truth and doing something about it, on a very personal level. This requires a lot of thinking and pro-active reaction, which most of us lack. We were never trained. There is no plan B for our lives, most have no places to run to, no action to take, to re-organize lives. We listen to the newscasts, talk privately among ourselves. We send each other URL links with bits of information describing some sad events here and there; pass along videos of some outrageous conduct or manifestation of ideas, by various parties, both friendly and totally fiendish. We also hope this is going to end somehow when the orgy of senseless violence would end.
(more…)June 25, 2020 | by Eriс
The Bastards who Love Mayhem, a.k.a. BLM
Our beautiful country is awash in nasty racism. But where is it coming from? Look no further than BLM (“Black Lives Matter”), the organizer of the protests. The Youtube video from 2015 has one of the founders spelling out who they are (try They are “trained Marxists”. From here things become very clear.
I don’t detest BLM because they are black. I despise them because they are red. Not Republican “red” – Commie “red”!
In my vocabulary “Marx” is a four-letter word. Karl Marx lived in the 19th century and his political Marxist theories eventually gave us Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Fidel and many others. The murderous bunch. It also made the 20th century one of the bloodiest on record. Millions of people perished because of wars and persecution by the hands of the above characters and their henchmen. Marx disciples brought us class struggle, revolutions, wars and misery to millions.
(more…)June 22, 2020 | by Eriс
The Affirmative Action. Time to Say Good Bye.
It was a beautiful idea when it was hatched. The year was 1961. It was to right the wrong. To do what was morally proper and long overdue. Give the colored population of the United States of America every chance to advance after being denied opportunities for the longest time. To make sure our black citizens are not discriminated upon by the government and eventually, by the businesses, where they would find gainful employment. Give them a foothold in finding housing, getting education and daily American life. It was to lower and expunge the existing barriers that prevented them from entering the society as first-class citizens. Not staying as sub-society that for a longest time was relegated to the ghettos and despair.