May 4, 2022 | by Eriс
The Dirty Business of War. Part III
Continued. Read Part I here and Part II here
There comes, slowly but surely, this late understanding that Putin’s Russia must be dismantled. Its injurious policies cannot go on. And as long as Vladimir Putin is in power, the world is in peril. Not just Ukraine – the entire world. Today there is no universal view how this is to be dealt with, except sanctions; they should choke the economy of that country, limit its ability to wage wars, propagate harmful agendas everywhere it gets a foothold – Middle East and Africa; or in faraway lands like Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. The Russian Federation spawns wars, political instability, and along with oil and gas exports political pressure; it introduces corruption into local scenes and bribes politicians to accept its view of the world. But they have nothing to offer, except killing, robbing and pilfering. Supporting local dictators is as far as it gets. It has plans for other countries and we should have our own plans, to make sure Russia has no plans for us. No country in the world wants to confront Russia militarily on its own territory and we don’t think it is needed at this time. But it is not out of the realm of possibility with demented man at the helm over there. The world should be involved. This cancer must be removed, once and for all. It cannot be left alone, because in several years it will start another war.