February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

OnlyFans Girls

“Who am I to judge another”

This poem is for adults only. If you are underage, please stop, leave and read something else

Longing, love, infatuation
Urge, seduction, rage, flirtation
Lust and passion, thirst and draw
Got no heart to call them ‘whоre’

Red-light district on your screen
Any fantasy and dream
Horny boys and lustful men
Dropping by, time and again

Wenches, ladies of the night
Concubines of delight
Hussies, bimbos, floozies, tarts
After pockets, lonely hearts

Craving, bait, seduction, quest
OnlyFans girls are the best
Draw thy in, to suck you dry
To last penny, then ‘goodbye’

Real names not allowed
Moms and dads, they wouldn’t be proud
Kids, psy trauma, hard to quell
Tough decisions, O.F. belle

Liberation this is not
Fruits the feminism brought
Cast your stone, the one sans sin
Mores in rapid tailspin

Some trend-setters, some are dumb
All the same, make you come
Looky-looky, cannot touch
Heads are spinning oh so much

Butterflies, they don’t live long
Made the money and then gone
Men, like moths, fly into fire
Quest, arousal, desire

Girls belonging to no one
Wife material there’s none
We crave beauty and appeal
Plastic bodies that aren’t real

Ride, the service, have it off
Carnal knowledge you can’t scoff
Facts of life and do it all
Feigning love and have a ball

Some earn millions, others none
Gamble instincts, everyone
Ancient sirens – modern times
Working girls commit no crimes

Quasi-love from COVID days
Started then, forever stays
Scarlet letter? There’s none
Give up money, you can’t run

Nothing pays like OnlyFans
Endless lustful caravans
Office work is not for them
Life of bang is pure gem

Minds are screwed, ’cause sex is drug
Morals don’t pay bills, a shrug
Purring cats, the sharpest claws
Laws of nature – strongest laws

Men at fault as much as dames
Watchers played in mind games
No one dates these nutty days
Sow your wild oats new ways

Mistress, dancer, temptress, jade
Cool cats caught in lustful trade
Geisha, maid, a piece of аss
Babes of pleasure are top brass

Find the rich and have them chained
Life as is, can’t be explained
Social network, widest fame
Walk no street but play the game

Having beauty in your arms
Just a dream, enchantment, charms
Salt of life – the sex is sweet
An illusion is complete

Women’s power, men have none
Age corruption, lots of fun
Play is old, backdrop is new
Glance, get glued, to pay and view

Boon, damnation – who would know?
OnlyFans – unending show
Basic instinct is unfurled
And so it goes, our crazy world

January 29, 2025


February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

Hate Speech is Not Free Speech

A Muslim community leader in California expressed happiness and satisfaction over the devastating Los Angeles fires.

Hate speech is generally protected by the First Amendment in the United States, but it can become unprotected if it crosses certain lines. (Google)

Charred are the ruins that smoldering still
Beautiful homes are demolished to nil
Pity for families losing it all
Fire and wind, laying waste fireball

Give them support, when the smoke is gone
GoFundMe calls to be acted upon
Sowing the hope, to rebuild and survive
Must “love thy brother”, a promise alive

Nothing is well with some foul-mouth folk
Hate for the victims, it isn’t a joke
Hate for America – root of this trash
Venomous words dripping into the ash

Ain’t no “free speech”, this is hatred expressed
Muslim community leader addressed
Joy and delight, while nation’s in stock
Clearly signs this ain’t human but schlock

Been there before, nine-eleven-o-one
Sweets being passed over devilish plan
Our misfortune is somebody’s glee
They live among us, of morals scot-free

Let them go home where happiness dwells
Say what they want and without infidels
Hate can’t have rights in the ‘land of the free’
Wishing us ill’s one-way trip oversea

Speech which is hate can’t have leg to stand on
Kick stinking critters, I want see them gone
Freedom of speech – for the noble and free
“Love it or leave it”, raise your hands if agree!

January 17, 2025


February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

No Palestine

No estate should be called Palestine
Neither now, nor the eons ahead
Yell at me, as I am way out of line
For I’m saying what cannot be said

Come to conquer Zion of my own
Kill and maim my kindred and tribe?
Not the first or the last to bemoan
This aggression, to me it’s ascribed

There’s no jail for crime committed
It’s exchange and freedom for sin
Far too long beasts walked out, acquitted
Poked “V sign” for lens, as in “win”

There’s no punishment better or swifter
Lose thy land and be kicked in the аss
Evil deeds shall migrate thee to drifter
Tumbleweed, which is homeless grass

This is tongue Middle East understands
The pain that would linger forever
Starting war leads to losing your lands
And hope of return – which is never

This is not a conventional prudence
But the problem that cries for resolve
“Vae victis” – complete jurisprudence
Stops all wars from becoming devolved

No estate should be called Palestine
Ran its course, to forever be cursed
Horrid place of ungodly design
Destined wiped be and wholly dispersed

“Vae victis” is a Latin phrase that translates to “woe to the vanquished”

December 5, 2024


February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

War Loss

We cry, when men are lost to war
The ones not coming back no more
No way the void is being filled
So gone and perished, canceled, killed

The hardest hit are moms and wives
Uprooted hopes and vanished lives
Sons never get to hug their dads
And dads watch grow them into lads

Much can be said, but matters none
This passing cannot be undone
May tears wash away the grief
But time alone grants relief

The emptiness of loss, inside
Forever yours, no use to hide
Sharp pain dulls, as time goes
Yet wound don’t heal and never close

October 3, 2024


February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

72 Virgins

Dedicated to the “freedom fighters”, who attacked Israel. And the girls they eventually meet

October 7th – biggest joy
They came, they killed, they won the day
To conquer, raze, rape and destroy
“A liberation”, in a way

The days that followed weren’t as fun
No time for prayer bullets lent
Time meet the virgins, drop the gun
And by the thousands they went

They came from Gaza, Lebanon
They crawl from Syria, elsewhere
The war, it keeps on going on
Conveyor belt, intense nightmare

The line is long at Heaven’s gate
They once were proud, hateful bunch
Professing rage for Zion state
Prepared to eat them Jews for lunch

But now whore house in the sky
Just can’t keep up with every trekker
“When does it stop?” the girls would cry
“We cannot service every pecker”

Oh, poor virgins, overworked
The girls, the cuties, babes and chicks
Are not amused, exhausted, irked
Can’t help the gents without dicks

September 28, 2024


February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

England is a Smoldering Powder Keg

In the United Kingdom one goes to jail for saying anything government deems “inflammatory speech”. The number of people arrested in Britain for what they said in social media? 3,300 (2020 data)

British Prime Minister’s office: “We’re talking about a minority of thugs who don’t speak for Britain. Anyone who stokes this violence, whether on the internet or in person, can be prosecuted and face prison.”

They cannot say the bare truth
Yet can’t take more of this abuse
When speak your mind is not OK
In good ol’ country of U.K.

Reveal what’s true and jail awaits
“These strange newcomers ain’t your mates”
Can’t have a state within a state
Islam just wants to seal your fate

To kill, to shut, to bend and rule
The Sharia for work and school
With government that’s left at core
The Brits agree to this no more

The lying press to fix the bonds
“Protest is crime”, brute response
Tyrannic force, thy ears are sealed
Police, batons, the riot shields

Folks are arrested and defamed
The powers want to keep them tamed
The murdered kids – a tragic sight
A call for action and the fight

They are the voices in the street
The “right extremists” raise the heat
Fine men and women, working class
Against invaders looney mass

Guys are so gentle with the words
Unite against the foreign hordes
The anger smolders, hell to pay
Stand strong, good people of U.K.

August 6, 2024


February 2, 2025 | by Eriс

No Going Home

Israel should not let all released Gaza terrorists go home, where they take up arms, again. Exile them, forever.

Laws exist to deal with killers
Did the crime? Time awaits
This is simple, these are pillars
On the books of many states

Gaza murderers imprisoned
Laid to waste would be more cool
Set them free defies the reason
Every day, to same cesspool

They get captured, then get walking
Swapped, released, same epilogues
Home, Hamas, resume the stalking
Wheels of war fanatic cogs

In this war it’s not the same
Peace is not what Gaza lusts
Feeding flames is insane
Letting go is so unjust

Kick them out of “Palesteena”
No homecoming for the beasts
No new trial for each hyena
Live or die upon release

Break this goddamn vicious cycle
Stop absurd, it makes no sense
Cannot have the war recycled
There have you my two cents

June 5, 2024


July 24, 2024 | by Eriс

Mob Rules

The claim to throne is abdicated
In sheepish, quiet, faceless manner
The revelation letter-stated
By nameless, faceless event planner

With signature unlike the other
Plain paper didn’t say “White House”
No press-room statement, it was smothered
He slinked away, as scared mouse

They didn’t ask for his opinion
T’was not important at the end
One Joseph Biden, just a minion
To mob he failed to defend

He ran his course, no longer useful
To former friends, cohorts and mates
Was told to go and shut his mouth
The President of the United States

July 23, 2024


July 14, 2024 | by Eriс


Pray for the President, injured – not dead
Missing the bullet by turning his head
Country in shock, brought about by division
Left vs. right in a deadly collision

Called him “a Nazi, a demon and liar”
“Hitler and fascist”, with pitch running higher
“Menace, dictator, child rapist and fraud”
Networks TV and their talking heads squad

Sowing much anger and hate, at the root
Loading ammo for someone to shoot
Sadness, but jokes are so shamelessly spread
Much to be learned in the time ahead

“Fight for the country”, clenched fist on the screen
Agents, Old Glory, historical scene
Smears of blood, yet no fear one bit
Looks like a man who is angry and fit

Jolts undecided, decided – compelled
President T-R-U-M-P is how name is spelled
Don’t let them do it, the criminal gang
Vote in November and see them defanged

July 14, 2024


November 4, 2023 | by Eriс

Another day and another war. And more.

People, we got World War III in the making. It flared up in the Holy Land, as Hamas killers attacked Israel and murdered its citizens. The carnage was unbelievable and retribution is a must. Supplied, trained and guided by Iran, Hamas must be no more, now or ever. But all sorts of players are now jumping into the ring, some directly and some through proxies. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen are being drawn in on the side of Hamas; China and Russia will surely take part for their own vile political reasons. North Korea will, without doubt, supply weapons to the parties wanting to hurt Israel. Some countries, like Turkey, are casting an angry eye at the “Zionist entity” and will probably jump in when the time comes. On the other side – the USA, Britain, France and several other European nations are likely to lend military support and intelligence to Israel. In for a dime you’re in for a dollar. They will all be rapidly drawn deeper into the bigger war that is about to break out. No one will stay put or at arms length.

Iran has opened up a website where it invites individuals from all over to sign up as volunteers, to fight the Zionist enemy. In a few short days over 4 million militant individuals, most of them from the Muslim world no doubt, had expressed desire to attack a country they hate with a passion. Even the Taliban, the entity that rules Afghanistan these days, had expressed desire to join in. This doesn’t look good and the big war hasn’t even started. Russia surely has a hand in all of this. It has always openly supported Hamas and can now reap some dividends by diverting attention from itself in the war it wages in Ukraine. China is testing the waters of the Western resolve, in case Taiwan becomes its future target.

Instead of quickly bringing war in Ukraine to the end, defeating Russia, the collective timid West now has two wars on its hands, splitting attention and material resources it must divide between Ukraine and Israel when this moves further. Iran issued a statement that it will partake in the action of its proxies against Israel. The shadow war between them would soon become an open one.
