The Silent Supreme Court of the United States
In our collective minds there is no higher legal authority than the Supreme Court of the United States. On many issues it is their final word we hear after we have heard everything from everyone else, on all levels of our government.
The judges who are respectfully referred to as “Justices” are appointed for life by the President and confirmed by a required vote of the U.S. Senate. They possess deity-like powers when they speak out, over matters public and private.
When they render their judgment, there is nothing further to be said, by anyone. They have the last word on all cases they accept and review.
The Supreme Court’s main role is to judge whether a local County, City, State or Federal law violates the U.S. Constitution. They can also look at a case tried in lower courts, after the case has gone though all the Appeal courts first. Over 2,000 cases a year are presented to the Supreme Court. About 70 cases out of the 2,000 per year are selected by the Court’s clerks for consideration. Then the Justices study those cases and decide which ones merit a trial at their Court. The Justices might agree with the lower courts, not hear the case and let the lower court ruling stand.
There are tons of legal and popular literature out there on their work and volumes of cases they have heard, ruled and commented on. As a group, the Justices are the embodiment of the word “LAW” in this country.
As private citizens, we know very little, next to nothing, about the inner workings of this important power in our lives. Justices, as any other people, probably like or dislike each other. Just like anyone else who must work with their peers on matters of collective importance. We are certain they individually have tantrums, soul searching and lighter moments. They do their work behind the closed doors and we are not privy to what they might think about matters at hand. Do they speak to each other privately, outside of their chambers? Probably so, but we have no clue what they discuss or how they influence each other in their very private relationships. We rarely, if ever, can guess what its like to be a Justice in the United States of America. It’s probably written up someplace, but we have never read it, and we bet neither have you.
The Supreme Court’s powers lie in the verdicts they render, by them jointly voting with their interpretations of our Constitution and our laws, but only when they speak out.
When they don’t speak out, their powers remain dormant. A silent SCOTUS is not something we can well interpret. And yet, there has to be an interpretation of sorts. Several times within the last few months, they have refused to be part of important events shaping our country’s future.
Recent “mail-in vote” cases were about President Trump, where he lost in the lower courts. Technically, they were not lost. The lower courts have all refused to even consider them. None of them looked at the evidence. Not one. And so they went up the “court chain”. Think of them as violations of state voting laws which differ from state to state. Those cases eventually made it to the Supreme Court.
SCOTUS rejected electoral challenges filed by several individuals who wanted to expose fraud in our 2020 Presidential elections. In view of the Supreme Court, these cases might have been insignificant in violation of the U.S. Constitution. They remained silent on the subject.
They have rejected the power of one state to challenge another state, when Texas had submitted their grievances to the Supreme Court over Pennsylvania’s voting process. SCOTUS found an excuse not to offer their voice in this important matter. They remained silent again.
And just days ago we had another important election-related matter brought by the State of Pennsylvania that was also rejected by the Supreme Court. An unfriendly leftwing source reports Justice Clarence Thomas issued an opinion against the dangers of mail-in voting and stated that SCOTUS must override state courts when that happens. We invite you to imbibe this political commentary through your own filtering system, to retain the facts, not their angry leftist interpretation. Thomas cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2020 election by questioning the security of mail-in voting. He wrote, “Voting by mail was traditionally limited to voters who had defined, well documented reasons to be absent.” The current trend toward more “permissive” mail in voting the justice warned this “greatly” increases “the risk of fraud.” Justice Thomas condemned mail-in voting as a threat to “election confidence.”
For a body like SCOTUS, what you say is just as important as what you don’t say. It simply means it was voted down internally. No two Justices think alike. When their understanding of our laws and constitutionality of the big challenges being brought in front of them keeps them silent, something isn’t right.
We are no legal scholars. Speaking with all due respect, we cannot question their line of thinking and why they chose to act the way they do; we can only view the end results and that alone provides clues. And those results scream of one thing: our court system from the bottom to the very top has withdrawn itself from dealing with electoral issues.
There is nothing more important than honest, straightforward, fair elections devoid of fraud. Elections on all levels are pillars of our life, now and into the future. Anyone dismissing fraud as an irrelevant non-issue is either a fool or a perpetrator.
Statistics is a very stubborn thing. You can interpret it, but you cannot challenge the facts. And the facts began to speak over the silence of our courts: they don’t want to be involved with our elections. The Justices are wise and careful people, knowing full well the power of their rationale and ensuing results of their decisions. Do they think it’s a matter that belongs to the state legislatures alone? That Federal courts cannot and should not be involved in elections at all?
Or is there something more sinister going on, and we may never find out? Could it be internal strife, personal collisions of Justices, out of the public eye? Even though they are liberal and conservative in their views of the law, can it be that party politics that permeates the halls of Congress, Senate and the White House have unceremoniously and rudely reached their chambers also? Could the Justices be afraid of the Democrats threatening to pack the SCOTUS with extra people (expand the court), diluting their power and thus they keep quiet?
We openly wonder. Something isn’t right up there.